British Airways flight makes emergency landing in Boston due to smoke in the cabin – VisionSafe

British Airways flight makes emergency landing in Boston due to smoke in the cabin

Source: Molly Farrar |

A British Airlines flight heading to London touched down in Boston Monday morning after a crew member saw smoke in the bathroom, aviation officials said.

The flight departed from Washington D.C.’s Dulles International Airport around 11:30 p.m. Sunday heading for London. The Federal Aviation Administration reported that the flight landed safely in Boston just after 5 a.m.

The FAA said crews aboard reported smoke in the cabin of the plane, which British Airways called a “technical issue.”

British Airways said in a statement that passengers should be on their way to London by Monday evening.

“We have apologised to our customers for the delay in their journey due to a technical issue,” their statement said. “Safety is our top priority and we would never operate a flight unless it was safe to do so.”

Passenger Michael Hennessy told Boston 25 News that the onboard crew “did a great job” and kept passengers calm.

“Unfortunately, we’ve been redirected to Boston,” Hennessy said, “a city I’ve always wanted to come to, just not quite in this circumstance.”

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