Ryanair flight makes emergency landing due to smoke and possible fire on board – VisionSafe

Ryanair flight makes emergency landing due to smoke and possible fire on board

Source: Simon Hradecky | www.avherald.com

A Ryanair Boeing 737-800, registration EI-EVR performing flight FR-3938 from Bologna (Italy) to Brussels (Belgium), was enroute at FL340 about 80nm east of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) when the crew decided to divert to Louxembourg reporting a possible fire, smoke and burning odour on board. The aircraft landed safely on Luxembourg Findel’s runway 24 about 20 minutes later.

Passengers reported they saw the flight attendants rushing to the back of the aircraft and saw smoke coming from the aft galley as well as burning odour. It appears the flight attendants managed to limit the fire to the galley. After landing fire fighters checked the aircraft. The passengers were taken to Brussels by bus.

The airline reported the aircraft diverted to Luxembourg due to an odour in the cabin after a technical defect occurred in the aft galley.

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