Crew of Air France flight declares emergency due to smoke on board – VisionSafe

Crew of Air France flight declares emergency due to smoke on board

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An Air France Boeing 777-200, registration F-GSPE performing flight AF-21 from Los Angeles,CA (USA) to Paris Charles de Gaulle (France), was enroute at FL350 about 120nm northwest of Montreal,QC (Canada) when the crew declared emergency reporting smoke in the cockpit and decided to divert to Montreal. The aircraft landed safely in Montreal about 25 minutes later.

The Canadian TSB reported there were no injuries.

The airline reported a “heat smell” appeared in the cabin prompting the crew to divert to Montreal.

The remaining flight was cancelled, the passengers were rebooked.

The occurrence aircraft remained on the ground in Montreal for about 62 hours, then positioned to Paris and resumed service.

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