Possible cargo fire forces crew of Transavia flight to declare emergency – VisionSafe

Possible cargo fire forces crew of Transavia flight to declare emergency

Source: Simon Hradecky | www.avherald.com

A Transavia Boeing 737-800, registration PH-HXL performing flight HV-6365 from Eindhoven (Netherlands) to Las Palmas,CI (Spain), was descending towards Las Palmas when the crew declared emergency reporting an indication of a possible fire in a cargo hold. The aircraft continued for a safe landing on Las Palmas’ runway 03L, stopped on the runway for about 5 minutes for a check by emergency services, then vacated the runway and taxied to a remote stand. At the stand the aircraft was evacuated via slides. There are no injuries being reported.

The return flight was cancelled.

The aircraft is still on the ground in Las Palmas about 29 hours after landing.

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