American Airlines flight makes emergency landing after oven begins emitting smoke – VisionSafe

American Airlines flight makes emergency landing after oven begins emitting smoke

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An American Airlines Boeing 737-800, registration N917AN performing flight AA-885 from Austin,TX to Charlotte,NC (USA), was enroute at FL330 about 110nm northeast of Houston,TX (USA) when the crew decided to divert to Houston Intercontinental reporting the forward galley oven was emitting smoke. The aircraft landed safely on Houston’s runway 09 about 30 minutes later and taxied to the apron.

A replacement Boeing 737-800 registration N817NN reached Charlotte with a delay of about 8.5 hours.

The occurrence aircraft returned to service about 16.5 hours after landing.

Houston Airport reported the aircraft diverted due to a possible fire in the forward galley oven.

The airline reported a technical malfunction as reason for the precautionary diversion.

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