Smoke in the cockpit and cabin of Swiss International Airlines flight upon initial climb forces emergency landing – VisionSafe

Smoke in the cockpit and cabin of Swiss International Airlines flight upon initial climb forces emergency landing

Source: Simon Hradecky |

A Swiss International Airlines Airbus A320-200, registration HB-IJM performing flight LX-2086 from Zurich (Switzerland) to Lisbon (Portugal), was climbing out of Zurich’s runway 28 when the crew stopped the climb at FL100 reporting smoke in cockpit and cabin. The aircraft returned to Zurich for a safe landing on runway 14 about 20 minutes after departure and stopped on the apron next to the runway, the passengers disembarked via mobile stairs.

The airline reported the aircraft returned due to an unknown odour on board. A replacement aircraft is going to take the passengers to Lisbon.

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