Fire in cabin forces emergency landing of Lufthansa flight – VisionSafe

Fire in cabin forces emergency landing of Lufthansa flight


A Lufthansa flight from Los Angeles to Frankfurt, Germany, has made an unscheduled landing at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport after a passenger’s laptop caught fire.

The landing at O’Hare was a precautionary step after an overheated laptop caused a small fire in the passenger cabin, the airline said.

The fire was out by the time the plane made a safe landing, WLS-TV reported.

None of the passengers were injured, but two flight attendants were treated for smoke inhalation following the “unscheduled landing,” Lufthansa said in a statement.

The airline said its ground staff was helping passengers get rebooked for flights to their final destinations and said it “regrets the inconvenience caused to passengers”.

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