Passenger’s e-cigarette catches fire in cabin of Air France flight – VisionSafe

Passenger’s e-cigarette catches fire in cabin of Air France flight

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An Air France Airbus A320-200, registration F-HEPJ performing flight AF-9421 from Malaga,SP (Spain) to Paris Charles de Gaulle (France), was on final approach to CDG’s runway 26L when the lithium battery of a passenger’s electronic cigarette caught fire. Cabin crew intervened. The aircraft continued for a landing without further incident.

The French BEA reported on Nov 17th 2022 that cabin crew used the dedicated kit when the Lithium battery of a passenger’s e-cigarette caught fire during final approach, one person received serious injuries. The BEA opened an investigation.

The occurrence aircraft returned to service about 18 hours after landing.

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