Smoke in the cockpit forces emergency landing of American Airlines flight in Bermuda – VisionSafe

Smoke in the cockpit forces emergency landing of American Airlines flight in Bermuda

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An American Airlines Boeing 777-300, registration N724AN performing flight AA-38 from Miami,FL (USA) to London Heathrow,EN (UK), was enroute at FL350 about 450nm northeast of Bermuda (Bermuda) when the crew decided to turn around and divert to Bermuda reporting smoke on the flight deck with a smoke indication in the electronic equipment compartment. The aircraft landed safely on Bermuda’s runway 30 about 65 minutes after turning around.

The airline reported possible mechanical issues.

Passengers complained they were left unattended on the floor at Bermuda Airport for about 20 hours.

A replacement B773 registration N731AN was dispatched to Bermuda, continued the flight and reached Heathrow with a delay of about 23 hours.

The occurrence aircraft is still on the ground in Bermuda about 31 hours after landing.

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