Children’s toy begins emitting smoke on Alaska Airlines flight – VisionSafe

Children’s toy begins emitting smoke on Alaska Airlines flight

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An Alaska Airlines Boeing 737-900, registration N486AS performing flight AS-1484 from Puerto Vallarta (Mexico) to San Diego,CA (USA), was enroute when a children’s toy started to emit smoke and burning odours. Cabin crew doused the device with water and put it into a thermal containment bag. The flight crew continued the flight to San Diego for a safe landing about 2.5 hours after departure.

The USA National Response Center reported, providing the touch down time of the flight from Puerto Vallarta to San Diego as occurrence time stamp: “A CHILD’S TOY WITH UNKNOWN TYPE OF BATTERY STARTING SMOKING AND PRODUCING A BURNING PLASTIC ODOR ONBOARD A FLIGHT. WATER WAS APPLIED TO THE ITEM, AND IT WAS PLACED IN A THERMAL CONTAINMENT BAG.”

The occurrence aircraft continued service after about 2 hours on the ground in San Diego.

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