Smell of smoke and fumes in the cabin forces emergency landing of American Airlines flight – VisionSafe

Smell of smoke and fumes in the cabin forces emergency landing of American Airlines flight

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An American Airlines Airbus A321-200, registration N552UW performing flight AA-2930 from Las Vegas,NV to Charlotte,NC (USA), was enroute at FL320 about 150nm northeast of Phoenix,AZ (USA) when the crew reported they had smell of smoke in the cabin and decided to divert to Phoenix. The aircraft landed safely on Phoenix’s runway 07L about 30 minutes after the decision to divert. After landing the crew queried emergency services whether any smoke was visible from the gear, emergency services reported gear looked fine, and advised the smell of smoke and the fumes were still present in the cabin, the flight attendants complained about head aches following the fumes. While taxiing to the apron with emergency services behind the aircraft emergency services advised a bit of white smoke was coming from the right hand engine (V2533).

After arrival the gate the L3 door was opened to ventilate the aircraft and emergency services entered the aircraft via the jetway.

The airline reported a possible mechanical issue.

A replacement A321-200 registration N524UW departed Phoenix about 4.5 hours after N522UW had landed and is estimated to reach Charlotte with a delay of about 5.5 hours.

The occurrence aircraft is still on the ground in Phoenix about 5 hours after landing.

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