Wizz Air passenger’s phone catches fire just before takeoff – VisionSafe

Wizz Air passenger’s phone catches fire just before takeoff

Source: Sam Tabahriti | www.africa.businessinsider.com

A passenger’s phone caught fire on a Wizz Air jet just minutes before it took off from Budapest airport, forcing the pilot to abandon the flight.

The plane was taxiing to the runway for the flight to Malm in Sweden when passengers noticed smoke billowing from a Chinese-branded smartphone.

The plane turned around and returned to the terminal so that all passengers could get off. Their luggage was also removed.

Enik Varga, 53, was one passenger on the flight. She told Insider the crew responded calmly to the incident and knew exactly how to handle it, reassuring those on board.

“We knew when we saw smoke that we wouldn’t be able to get the last train and thus be stuck at the airport in Malm,” she said.

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