Crew of Piedmont Airlines flight reports smoke in the cockpit after making emergency landing – VisionSafe

Crew of Piedmont Airlines flight reports smoke in the cockpit after making emergency landing

Source: Simon Hradecky |

A Piedmont Airlines Embraer ERJ-145 on behalf of American Airlines, registration N638AE performing flight AA-6034 from Charlotte,NC to Fort Wayne,IN (USA), was climbing out of Charlotte about 50nm northeast of Asheville,NC (USA) and about 20nm south Tri-Cities Airport,TN (USA) when the crew stopped the climb at FL260 repporting smell of smoke, an electrical smell in the cockpit. Due to weather the aircraft diverted to Asheville for a safe landing on runway 17 about 20 minutes after leaving FL260. After landing the crew reported they had some smoke in the cockpit but never could find the source of the smoke. Tower advised no smoke was seen from the aircraft.

The aircraft positioned from Asheville to Roanoke,VA (USA) after about 13.5 hours on the ground.

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