Warm spot in cockpit causes smoke on board United Airlines flight – VisionSafe

Warm spot in cockpit causes smoke on board United Airlines flight

Source: www.cbsaustin.com

The crew of United Airlines flight 2633 reported smoke in the cabin. The Airbus A319-131 landed safely at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport at 11:33 a.m. Crews visually inspected the plane on the runway and then cleared it to go to the gate.

Jeff Justus with the Amarillo Fire Department said they determined the cause was a “warm spot in the cockpit.”

“They did have some smoke, but everybody is okay,” said Justus.

There were 115 people on board. Paramedics checked them at the gate. Justus said some had headaches from the smoke.

“We wanted to make sure we were prepared in case it was worse,” said Justus. “Thank God it turned out to be ok.”

The plane took off from Bush Intercontinental Airport at 9:56 a.m. It was supposed to land in Portland at 12:20 p.m. A spokesperson for United Airlines told ABC 7 News the airline is working on how to get the passengers to Portland.

The flight is scheduled to leave Amarillo at 5:15 p.m. and land in Portland at 8:33 p.m. CDT.

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