Crew reports smoke in the cockpit upon approach for landing of EasyJet flight – VisionSafe

Crew reports smoke in the cockpit upon approach for landing of EasyJet flight

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An Easyjet Airbus A320-200N, registration G-UZHR performing flight U2-8297 from London Gatwick,EN (UK) to Innsbruck (Austria) with 146 passengers and 6 crew, was on approach to Innsbruck descending through about 10,500 feet already in the Inn Valley east of Innsbruck when the crew stopped the descent at 10,500 feet, climbed to FL160 and diverted to Friedrichshafen (Germany) for a safe landing on runway 24 about one hour later, where emergency services were awaiting and checking the aircraft for smoke in the cockpit.

The airport reported the aircraft needed to divert to Friedrichshafen due to the weather conditions at Innsbruck. Enroute to Friedrichshafen about 15 minutes prior to landing the crew reported smoke in the cockpit prompting emergency services from both airport and the surrounding communities to deploy a large number of vehicles and personnel. The cause of the smoke is unknown, there were no injuries and no damage.

The passengers were taken to Innsbruck by bus.

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