InterCaribbean Airways plane makes emergency landing due to smoke in the cabin – VisionSafe

InterCaribbean Airways plane makes emergency landing due to smoke in the cabin


An aircraft made an emergency landing at the International Airport of the Americas, José Francisco Peña Gómez (AILA), at noon this Friday with 28 passengers on board.

The Intercaribbean Airways plane, coming from the Turks and Caicos Islands, declared an emergency to the control tower due to smoke in the cabin.

However, he managed to land safely at Las Américas airport.

So far, operations at the air terminal remain normal.

Given the alert situation, the company Aeropuertos Dominicanos XXI (Aerodom), activated its Emergency Plan, with doctors, paramedics, firefighters and security personnel in the area of ​​the runway waiting for the aircraft that descended safely.

Luis López, Aerodom Communications Director explained that the pilot reported permission to the control tower to make an emergency landing in view of the fact that the aircraft had a fault in the air conditioning system.

“After it landed without inconvenience, the device was parked in the ramp area of ​​the Las Américas airport, to be reviewed by the airline’s technical staff so that it can leave again,” he said.

Members of the Fire Fighting Brigade of the Fire Brigade, of AILA, medical personnel of the Ministry of Public Health, Civil Defense and the Specialized Corps of Airport Security and Civil Aviation participated in the emergency plane reception operation. (CESAC).

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