Flight attendants extinguish fire on Air Canada flight after cell phone battery charger catches fire – VisionSafe

Flight attendants extinguish fire on Air Canada flight after cell phone battery charger catches fire

Source: Simon Hradecky | www.avherald.com

An Air Canada Airbus A320-200, registration C-GKOD performing flight AC-902 from Montreal,QC (Canada) to Fort Lauderdale,FL (USA) with 134 people on board, was on final approach to Fort Lauderdale’s runway 28R when a passenger contacted the flight attendants reporting his cell phone battery charger had caught fire. The flight attendants extinguished the fire with water and put the device into the PED (Portable Electronic Device) Secure containment bag. The aircraft continued for a safe landing on runway 28R and taxied to the apron.

The Canadian TSB reported the flight attendant informed the flight crew after the aircraft had landed and had turned off the runway. No emergency was declared and the aircraft taxied to the gate.

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