Smell of oil on board GoAir flight forces emergency landing – VisionSafe

Smell of oil on board GoAir flight forces emergency landing


A GoAir Airbus A320-200N, registration VT-WJJ performing flight G8-28 from Singapore (Singapore) to Bangalore (India) with 158 people on board, was climbing out of Singapore when the crew stopped the climb at FL240 due to a strong smell of oil in the cabin. The aircraft returned to Singapore for a safe landing about 40 minutes after departure.

A passenger reported there was a strong smell of oil on board, another passenger reported heavy smoke in the cabin. The passengers complained they were stranded in Singapore for about two days.

The occurrence aircraft remained on the ground for 41 hours, then departed for flight G8-28D (delayed) and reached Bangalore with a delay of about 42 hours.

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