Smoke and fumes in the cabin of Canada Air Rouge flight force emergency landing – VisionSafe

Smoke and fumes in the cabin of Canada Air Rouge flight force emergency landing

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An Air Canada Rouge Airbus A320-200 on behalf of Air Canada, registration C-GKOE performing flight AC-782 from Los Angeles,CA (USA) to Montreal,QC (Canada) with 139 people on board, was accelerating for takeoff from Los Angeles’ runway 25R when fumes and smoke developed in the cabin. Cabin crew reported the observation to the flight deck after the aircraft rotated, the flight crew donned their oxygen masks, stopped the climb at 5000 feet for a return to Los Angeles. Working the related checklists the odour and smoke dissipated. The aircraft landed safely back on Los Angeles’ runway 25L about 14 minutes after departure. Emergency services checked the outside of the aircraft before the aircraft taxied to the apron.

The Canadia TSB reported two cabin air re-circulation filters were replaced, both engines (CFM56) received a compressor wash.

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