Smoke on board PSA Airlines flight forces crew to don oxygen masks and make emergency landing – VisionSafe

Smoke on board PSA Airlines flight forces crew to don oxygen masks and make emergency landing

Source: Simon Hradecky |

A PSA Airlines Canadair CRJ-900 on behalf of American Airlines, registration N572NN performing flight AA-5139 from Omaha,NE to Charlotte,NC (USA) with 41 people on board, was enroute at FL330 about 80nm northwest of Greenville,SC (USA) when the crew donned their oxygen masks, reported smoke on board and diverted to Greenville for a safe landing on runway 22. On final approach the crew advised they were planning to stop on the runway and evacuate through the main door.

The passengers were rebooked onto other flights.

The occurrence aircraft returned to service about 38 hours after landing.

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