Swiss International Airlines flight makes emergency landing due to fumes on board – VisionSafe

Swiss International Airlines flight makes emergency landing due to fumes on board

Source: Simon Hradekcy |

A Swiss International Airlines Airbus A321-200, registration HB-IOH performing flight LX-2150 from Zurich (Switzerland) to Palma Mallorca,SP (Spain), had just levelled off at FL300 about 90nm southwest of Zurich when the crew decided to return to Zurich reporting a strange odour on board, presumably originating from the left hand engine (CFM56), otherwise the operations were normal. The aircraft landed safely on Zurich’s runway 28 about 30 minutes after the decision to turn around and vacated the runway with emergency services on stand by. After landing the crew advised everything was back to normal.

A ground observer reported emergency services boarded the aircraft, all passengers disembarked quickly and all cargo was unloaded unusually quickly.

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