Emergency services called to Wellington Airport after reports of smoke in the cockpit of Air New Zealand plane – VisionSafe

Emergency services called to Wellington Airport after reports of smoke in the cockpit of Air New Zealand plane

Source:Amber-Leigh Woolf | www.stuff.co.nz

An Air New Zealand plane at Wellington International Airport has been investigated by fire crews for smoke onboard.

Emergency services were called to the airport shortly before 7am on Wednesday, but have now been stood down.

An Air New Zealand spokeswoman said due to an engineering issue, smoke was reported in the cabin of the aircraft due to operate flight NZ406.

The flight was from Wellington to Auckland at Gate 16 and was scheduled to depart at 7.35am.

The issue occurred before any customers boarded the plane, and another aircraft would operate this service, she said.

Fire Communications shift manager Carlos Dempsey said the smoke was caused by a fault with the aircraft.

Fire crews had responded to reports of smoke in the cockpit, he said.

Crews had only just arrived at the airport by 6.55am, and were standing down by 7.10am.

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