Smartlynx Airlines Estonia flight makes emergency landing due to smoke in the cockpit – VisionSafe

Smartlynx Airlines Estonia flight makes emergency landing due to smoke in the cockpit

Source: Simon Hradecky |

A Smartlynx Estonia Airbus A320-200 on behalf of TUI Airlines Belgium, registration ES-SAT performing flight TB-3141 from Brussels Charleroi (Belgium) to Sharm el Sheikh (Egpyt) with 183 people on board, was enroute at FL350 about 15nm northwest of Munich (Germany) when the crew reported smoke in the cockpit and decided to divert to Munich. The aircraft landed safely on Munich’s runway 26L about 20 minutes later and taxied to the apron.

The airport reported the crew declared emergency due to smoke in the cockpit, there were no injuries and no damage.

The airline reported the crew received a cargo smoke indication, no fire, heat or smoke were detected. A replacement aircraft was dispatched to take the passengers to their destination.

A replacement Boeing 737-800 registration OO-JLO departed Munich about 7 hours after ES-SAT had landed and is currently enroute to Sharm el Sheikh.

The occurrence aircraft remained on the ground in Munich for about 5.5 hours, then positioned back to Charleroi.

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