Lavatory smoke indication forces emergency landing of Piedmont Airlines flight – VisionSafe

Lavatory smoke indication forces emergency landing of Piedmont Airlines flight

Source: Simon Hradecky |

A Piedmont Embraer ERJ-145 on behalf of American Airlines, registration N647AE performing flight AA-4783 from Roanoke,VA to Charlotte,NC (USA) with 41 people on board, was in the initial climb out of Roanoke’s runway 06 when the crew upon contacting departure declared emergency reporting they had a lavatory smoke indication, they believed it was a false indication but wanted to proceed on the safe side. The aircraft stopped the climb at 5200 feet and returned to Roanoke, departure/approach cleared the aircraft for any approach to any runway, and landed safely on runway 06 about 15 minutes later.

A replacement ERJ-145 registration N669MB reached Charlotte with a delay of 2 hours.

After about 30 hours on the ground N647AE attempted to position to Philadelphia,PA (USA) but again needed to return to Roanoke.

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