Fumes in the cockpit of Canada Air flight prompts flight crew to don oxygen masks – VisionSafe

Fumes in the cockpit of Canada Air flight prompts flight crew to don oxygen masks

Source: Simon Hradecky | www.avherald.com

An Air Canada Airbus A319-100, registration C-GAPY performing flight AC-258 from Winnipeg,MB to Toronto,ON (Canada) with 121 people on board, was descending towards Toronto when the flight crew detected an unusual odour in the cockpit and donned their oxygen masks. The crew declared PAN PAN and continued for a safe landing with emergency services on stand by. The aircraft taxied to the apron.

The Canadian TSB reported maintenance determined the APU aft bearing oil pressure line was leaking and replace it. Subsequently the environmental control system was decontaminated and the APU tested.

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