Electrical odor in cockpit and smoke from pilot’s side window forces crew of Calm Air flight to declare emergency – VisionSafe

Electrical odor in cockpit and smoke from pilot’s side window forces crew of Calm Air flight to declare emergency

Source: Simon Hradecky | www.avherald.com

A Calm Air Avions de Transport Regional ATR-42-300, registration C-FJYW performing flight MO-2341 from Rankin Inlet,NU to Repulse Bay,NU (Canada) with 14 passengers and 3 crew, was descending towards Repulse Bay when the crew activated level 2 ice protection at about 4000 feet. At 2500 feet the crew noticed an electrical odour followed by dark grey smoke from the first officer’s side window. Once clear of icing conditions the crew selected level 1 ice protection and radioed Repulse Bay’s Flight Service about the smoke and declared emergency. Upon landing the crew observed that “the first officer side window and electrical connection began to burn and melt.” When the aircraft turned off the runway small flames became visible. The crew stopped the aircraft, shut the aircraft down and discharged the handheld fire extinguisher onto the burning portions and successfully extinguished the fire.

The Canadian TSB reported Royal Canadian Mounted Police and volunteer fire fighters were dispatched to the aircraft and guarded the aircraft for about 30 minutes to prevent re-ignition of the fire.

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