Level Austria flight makes emergency landing due to unusual odor on board – VisionSafe

Level Austria flight makes emergency landing due to unusual odor on board

Source: Simon Hradecky | www.avherald.com

A Level Austria Airbus A320-200, registration OE-LVR performing flight VK-6000 from Vienna (Austria) to Palma Mallorca,SP (Spain), was climbing out of Vienna when the crew stopped the climb at FL250 and decided to return to Vienna reporting an unusual odour on board. The aircraft landed safely on Vienna’s runway 34 about 40 minutes after departure.

The airline confirmed the aircraft returned due to an unusual odour. The flight was postponed to late night Sep 25th 2019, the return flight VK-6001 will depart on Sep 26th 2019 with a delay of estimated 15 hours.

The occurrence aircraft remained on the ground for about 7 hours, then returned to service.

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