Burning odor forces emergency landing of EasyJet flight – VisionSafe

Burning odor forces emergency landing of EasyJet flight

Source: Simon Hradecky | www.avherald.com

An Easyjet Airbus A319-100, registration G-EZIX performing flight U2-8663 from London Gatwick,EN (UK) to Alicante,SP (Spain), was enroute at FL370 about 70nm south of Toulouse (France) when the crew decided to divert to Toulouse due to a burning odour on board as well as the failure of the Intercom system. The aircraft landed safely on Toulouse’s runway 14L about 23 minutes later.

A passenger reported the crew suspected a fire on board and diverted to Toulouse, where they were received by emergency services and taxied to the apron with the emergency services in trail. Fire fighters inspected the aircraft before the passengers disembarked normally. The passenger was subsequently told by cabin crew, that the interphone had become inoperative and there was a burning odour in the area of the forward galley up to seat row 4. The first officer left the cockpit to assess the situation, the crew subsequently decided to divert to Toulouse. An announcement was made that they needed to divert to Toulouse due to a technical problem.

Another passenger reported he and fellow passengers suffered “sense of humour failure” when the aircraft, dispatched to Toulouse as replacement, suffered a tyre failure on landing and was unable to continue the flight. Another replacement aircraft needed to be dispatched.

The occurrence aircraft remained on the ground in Toulouse for about 40 hours before returning to service.

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