Smoke on board Scandinavian Airlines flight reported just before landing – VisionSafe

Smoke on board Scandinavian Airlines flight reported just before landing

Source: Simon Hradecky |

A SAS Scandinavian Airlines Airbus A320-200, registration OY-KAR performing flight SK-2151 from Stockholm to Gothenburg (Sweden), was on final approach to Gothenburg’s runway 03 when the crew initiated a go around. The crew subsequently reported smoke on board, performed a procedure turn and landed on Gothenburg’s runway 21 about 10 minutes after the go around.

Emergency services reported no smoke was seen after landing. There were no injuries, the aircraft was able to taxi to the apron on own power.

The occurrence aircraft remained on the ground in Gothenburg for about 4 hours, then positioned to Stockholm as flight SK-9229 and resumed service.

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