Crew dons oxygen masks due to fumes in the cockpit of Canada Air flight – VisionSafe

Crew dons oxygen masks due to fumes in the cockpit of Canada Air flight

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An Air Canada Rouge Airbus A319-100, registration C-GKOB performing flight RV-1803 from Kingston (Jamaica) to Toronto,ON (Canada) with 135 passengers and 5 crew, was enroute at FL330 south of Raleigh/Durham,NC (USA) when the crew noticed an odour similiar to dirty socks on the flight deck. The odour dissipated but returned with even stronger intensity when the aircraft was about 60nm northeast of Raleigh/Durham. The crew donned their oxygen masks, declared PAN PAN and diverted the aircraft to Raleigh/Durham for a safe landing about 25 minutes after leaving FL330.

The Canadian TSB reported maintenance found the APU intake and plenum soiled and cleaned them, the APU condensers and pack #2 were found contaminated as well and were replaced. Both engines were washed.

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