Air Canada flight makes emergency landing due to smoke on board – VisionSafe

Air Canada flight makes emergency landing due to smoke on board


A Winnipeg-bound Air Canada flight made an emergency landing at the Regina International Airport Thursday afternoon. Around 1 p.m., an Airbus A320 with 146 passengers diverted to Regina due to reports of smoke coming from a galley oven, according to Air Canada spokeswoman Angela Mah.

“As per our standard operating procedures, the crew diverted to the nearest airport as a precaution,” she said.

The plane had departed from Vancouver International Airport. Regina Airport Authority president and CEO James Bogusz said the aircraft taxied to the terminal on its own power. Emergency vehicles, including Regina Fire and Protective Services, tailed the plane to the terminal building. Bogusz said there were no disruptions to airport operations once the plane was off the runway. All passenger disembarked normally.

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