Electrical odor and electrical problems force emergency landing of Delta Airlines flight – VisionSafe

Electrical odor and electrical problems force emergency landing of Delta Airlines flight

Source: Simon Hradecky | www.avherald.com

A Delta Airlines Airbus A330-300, registration N818NW performing flight DL-161 from Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Minneapolis,MN (USA), was climbing out of Amsterdam’s runway 24 when the crew stopped the climb at FL150 when the crew requested to return to Amsterdam, subsequently declaring emergency reporting they had an electrical odour in the cabin and they had electrical problems. The aircraft landed safely back on Amsterdam’s runway 18R about 24 minutes after departure.

A cabin air extract fan was found failed, the cabin intercommunication data system also showed a fault.

The aircraft remained on the ground for about 3.5 hours, then departed again and reached Minneapolis with a delay of 3.5 hours.

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