Cargo smoke indication forces emergency landing of American Airlines flight – VisionSafe

Cargo smoke indication forces emergency landing of American Airlines flight

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An American Airlines Boeing 777-200, registration N773AN performing flight AA-104 (dep Mar 26th) from New York JFK,NY (USA) to London Heathrow,EN (UK) with 119 people on board, was enroute at FL390 more than 250nm west of Shannon (Ireland) when the crew set course to Shannon reporting they had an aft cargo smoke indication. They believed the indication was false, however, enacted the whole checklist and had discharged the fire suppression. The aircraft landed safely on Shannon’s runway 06 more than 40 minutes later. Attending emergency services did not find any trace of fire, heat or smoke.

The occurrence aircraft remained on the ground for about 3 hours, then continued the journey to London reaching the destination with a delay of 2.5 hours. The aircraft departed for the return flight AA-105 and is estimated to reach New York with a delay of 50 minutes.

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