Cargo smoke indication forces emergency landing and evacuation of Air China flight – VisionSafe

Cargo smoke indication forces emergency landing and evacuation of Air China flight

Source: Simon Hradecky |

An Air China Boeing 777-300, registration B-2040 performing flight CA-983 from Beijing (China) to Los Angeles,CA (USA) with 188 passengers on board, was enroute at FL330 about 180nm northeast of Anadyr (Russia) when the crew received an aft cargo smoke indication and decided to turn around and divert to Anadyr, where the aircraft landed about 35 minutes later. The aircraft stopped on the runway, an emergency evacuation via slides was initiated. No injuries are being reported. Emergency services did not find any evidence of fire, smoke or heat.

Rosaviatsia reported the crew received an aft cargo smoke indication and diverted to Anadyr landing there 35 minutes later. The aircraft stopped on the runway and was evacuated. Arriving emergency services did not find any evidence of any anomaly in the aft cargo hold. About 2.5 hours after landing the aircraft was towed to the apron. A replacement aircraft was dispatched to Anadyr.

The airline reported the crew followed standard operating procedures following a cargo fire indication. After landing an examination of the aircraft did not reveal any anomaly in the cargo hold, the fire indication was determined to have been false. A replacement aircraft was dispatched to Anadyr.

A replacement Boeing 777-300 registration B-1266 was dispatched to Anadyr, resumed the flight as CA-9983 and is estimated to reach Los Angeles with a delay of about 20 hours.

The occurrence aircraft is still on the ground in Anadyr about 21 hours after landing.

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