Smoke fills cabin of Flybe flight after loud bang from engine just before takeoff forcing evacuation – VisionSafe

Smoke fills cabin of Flybe flight after loud bang from engine just before takeoff forcing evacuation

Source: Mark Duell |

More than 100 people were evacuated from a Flybe flight at Exeter Airport today after the engine made a loud banging noise and the cabin filled up with smoke.  Passengers had boarded the Flybe Embraer plane to the Spanish resort of Alicante and the pilot was preparing to leave when the air in the cabin became hazy.

Two airport fire engines rushed to the plane to investigate the technical problem with the air-conditioning as 100 passengers and five crew members were evacuated. A dramatic video of the evacuation showed people sliding off the plane before being helped to their feet on the Tarmac – and others being carried in people’s arms.

All those onboard BE4321 were returned to the terminal by airport coaches at about 8am. The runway was closed for one hour during the emergency but later reopened.

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