Smoke in the cockpit of American Airlines flight forces emergency landing – VisionSafe

Smoke in the cockpit of American Airlines flight forces emergency landing

Source: Chris Rhatigan |

A plane has made an emergency landing at Bradley International Airport. The plane had smoke in the cockpit with 138 people on board. The New Haven Register reported that the flight was American Airlines 2250 bound for Chicago and the smoke was reported shortly after takeoff.

Passengers deboarded the aircraft at Gate 25 and emergency services were requested to evaluate at least one passenger, according to CT News Alert. A Bradley spokeswoman told The Hartford Courant that the plane had a mechanical problem and did not impact airport operations. The FAA is investigating the incident.

The airplane took off at 10:47 a.m. and landed at 11:01, according to WFSB 3 TV. Three passengers were treated for smoke inhalation, according to the report.

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