Burning odor in cockpit forces emergency landing of Qantas flight – VisionSafe

Burning odor in cockpit forces emergency landing of Qantas flight

Source: Simon Hradecky | www.avherald.com

A Qantas Boeing 737-800, registration VH-VZW performing flight QF-58 from Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) to Brisbane,QL (Australia), was enroute at FL310 about 100nm eastsoutheast of Cairns,QL (Australia) when the crew decided to divert to Cairns due to an intermittent burning odour on the flight deck. The aircraft landed safely on Cairns’ runway 33 about 22 minutes later.

A passenger reported the crew indicated there was an “on-off smell of an electrical fire on the flight deck”. After landing in Cairns checks were made, about 2 hours later they were informed the cause of the odour was identified as “an oily residue in the air intake”. The aircraft was released to continue the flight and was pushed back, when the left hand engine (CFM56) failed prompting the crew to shut the engine down and have the aircraft returned to the gate. While the aircraft was being pulled back into the gate, the right hand engine failed, too, and was shut down followed by an immediate emergency evacuation via slides.

The airline reported an air-conditioning issue as cause for the diversion to Cairns. While on the ground the captain evacuated the aircraft in the interest of safety, the airline added.

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