Crew of FlyEgypt flight dons oxygen masks due to smell of smoke in the cockpit – VisionSafe

Crew of FlyEgypt flight dons oxygen masks due to smell of smoke in the cockpit

Source: Simon Hradecky |

A FlyEgypt Boeing 737-800, registration SU-TMG performing flight FT-241 from Alexandria (Egypt) to Kuwait City (Kuwait), was climbing out of Alexandria when the crew donned their oxygen masks, stopped the climb at FL230 and decided to divert to Cairo reporting the smell of smoke in the cockpit. The aircraft landed safely on Cairo’s runway 05R about 35 minutes after departure from Alexandria.

A replacement Boeing 737-800 registration SU-TMK reached Kuwait City with a delay of about 9 hours.

The occurrence aircraft performed a positioing flight FT-9005 from Cairo to Alexandria about 34 hours after landing, but still has not returned to service about 45 hours after landing in Cairo.

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