Passengers panic as plane catches fire – VisionSafe

Passengers panic as plane catches fire


Amateur video footage has shown the moments terrified passengers on board a Nigerian plane became engulfed in smoke in mid-flight. The Aero Contractors flight NG316 became overwhelmed in smoke about 20 minutes after take-off, causing panic among the passengers. The situation prompted the deployment of fire engines to the Murtala Mohammed Airport in Lagos to curtail any fire when the plane carrying 52 adults and one infant finally landed. The airline’s Managing Director, Captain Ado Sanusi, told television reporters that the smoke originated from a fire in the cargo section of the aircraft and had seeped into the cabin through the air-conditioning system. Preliminary reports say the plane was at 24,000ft when cabin crew observed that the cabin was misty. This was reported to the captain, who briefed the passengers accordingly, assuring them of a safe landing in Lagos in a couple of minutes. “Expectedly as announced by the pilot, normal descent was initiated into Lagos. While descending however, a passenger went into the lavatory, after which the lavatory smoke detector alarm came on. “The cabin crew again reported this incident to the Captain and by this time the smoke was getting denser in the cabin. “Ready and armed with “Aft Cargo Smoke” indication in the flight deck, the crew carried out the smoke dispersal procedures and contacted air traffic control, requesting for emergency support services and proceeded to Lagos, which is the airport with the full complement of emergency support.

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