Flight lands safely at Norwich Airport after declaring emergency when smoke reported in cockpit – VisionSafe

Flight lands safely at Norwich Airport after declaring emergency when smoke reported in cockpit

By: www.aeroinside.com

The KLM 1511 flight from Amsterdam carrying 54 passengers had been due to land at 4.50pm but declared an emergency two minutes before coming in to land. Smoke had been reported in the cockpit while on the final approach to runway 27 and precautionary emergency measures were activated. Fire crews from Earlham, Sprowston, Carrow, Aylsham, Dereham, Fakenham and Hethersett were put on stand by at 4.45pm. The aircraft landed safely at 4.52pm and passengers were taxied to the terminal and disembarked normally. By 5.11pm the incident had been closed and the fire crews were stood down. Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service said the alarm had been raised after an “electrical fault” on the craft.. A spokesperson for Norwich Airport said they were “delighted” the incident had been resolved safely.

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