Cockpit smoke prompts Lufthansa aircraft to land in eastern Canada – VisionSafe

Cockpit smoke prompts Lufthansa aircraft to land in eastern Canada


Smoke in the cockpit prompted a Lufthansa crew to don oxygen masks and land in Newfoundland, Canada. The 747-400 Jumbo-jet was on a flight from Frankfurt to Orlando with 345 passengers on board. The German news agency DPA and “Die Welt” newspaper reported Wednesday that the source of the smoke could not be identified after a safe landing. Lufthansa, like other airlines, recently banned the use of a new model mobile phone, the Galaxy Note 7, on its flights after Samsung recalled several million of its devices on fears that faulty batteries could catch fire. Lufthansa said the crew of 18 landed the airliner at Gander on Canada’s east coast while wearing breathing masks. “Due to the smoke, the cockpit crew decided to re-route the plane to Newfoundland and landed there safely,” a spokesman said. Destination Florida Tuesday’s trans-Atlantic flight LH 464 from Frankfurt was en route to Orlando in the southern state of Florida. “Die Welt” said emergency exits were not activated and it quoted passengers as saying the pilots had kept them well briefed during the landing, described by Lufthansa as “precautionary.” A substitute aircraft was provided to forward passengers to their destination, Lufthansa said.

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