American Eagle flight diverts to Willard Airport due to smoke in cockpit – VisionSafe

American Eagle flight diverts to Willard Airport due to smoke in cockpit


An American Eagle flight had to be diverted to the Willard Airport on Tuesday 18th October after smoke got detected inside the cockpit of the jet by the pilot. The flight initially took off from the airport in Chicago and it was heading towards Arkansas. As the warning light started to warn about smoke inside the cockpit, the pilot had to request for an unscheduled stop at the Willard Airport in Savoy. The spokesperson for the Savoy Fire Department, Eddie Bain informed that the authorities of the Willard Airport requested the firefighters to gather at the airport around 5:30 pm local time after the American Eagle pilot requested to make an emergency landing due to ‘condition yellow’. The flight later managed to make a safe landing at the airport and the fire crew found minimal smoke inside the jet. None of the 53 air passengers and the flight crew members was hurt during the emergency landing. Willard Fire Department Captain Jason Brown informed that the airport authorities had to deplane the passengers from the flight after it landed. He also stated that the flight later took off for Arkansas around 9 pm local time on Tuesday, 18th October. This was the second time in a week, when the Willard Airport authorities had to prepare for emergency landings. On Sunday 16th October another Delta Connection flight hat to make an emergency landing at the same airport after facing a generator failure.

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