Emirates B773 over Arabian Sea on Jul 26th 2016, smoke in cockpit – VisionSafe

Emirates B773 over Arabian Sea on Jul 26th 2016, smoke in cockpit

By: www.avherald.com

An Emirates Boeing 777-300, registration A6-EGG performing flight EK-652 from Dubai (United Arab Emirates) to Male (Maldives) with 309 people on board, was enroute at FL330 over the Arabian Sea about 470nm westsouthwest of Mumbai (India) when the crew reported smoke in the cockpit and decided to divert to Mumbai. The aircraft descended to FL310 for the diversion, on approach to Mumbai advised the smoke had dissipated, landed safely on Mumbai’s runway 09 (active runway 27) and taxied to the apron. Attending emergency services found no trace of fire, heat or smoke. The airline reported EK-652 diverted to Mumbai due to a technical fault. The aircraft remained on the ground for about 5 hours, then departed Mumbai and continued the flight to Male, where the aircraft arrived with a delay of 6:15 hours.

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