Smoke in the cockpit forced the in-flight landing – VisionSafe

Smoke in the cockpit forced the in-flight landing

By: Kevin Green, Andy Fox

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — An American Regional passenger jet was forced to make an emergency landing at Norfolk International Airport Tuesday afternoon, officials confirm. Officials at Norfolk International tell 10 On Your Side that there were 26 passengers on board the 50-seat plane. Airport Administration says smoke in the cockpit forced the in-flight emergency landing. Pilots declared the in air emergency at 1:30 p.m. when smoke was in the cockpit. Airport Fire Department is on the scene, and the 26 passengers are safely off the plane. Robert Bowen, Executive Director of the Norfolk International Airport, tells 10 On Your Side, “Everyone is safe, and we are investigating what caused the smoke in the cockpit.” Bowen did not have the flight number, the originating city or the final destination.

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