Alaska Airlines Flight Diverted to Dulles Airport After Smoke Spotted In Cockpit – VisionSafe

Alaska Airlines Flight Diverted to Dulles Airport After Smoke Spotted In Cockpit


An Alaska Airlines flight was diverted to Dulles International Airport this morning, just 16 minutes after taking off from nearby Reagan National Airport, due to smoke in the cockpit, the airline confirmed to ABC News. Seattle-bound Alaska Airlines Flight 1 -– with 161 passengers and 6 crew members — departed Reagan National at 10:22 a.m. and landed at Dulles at 10:38 a.m, according to the airline. The cause of the smoke is still being investigated, said the airline, adding that the two pilots asked to be “checked out” by doctors and were transferred to a hospital as were four other crew members. Their conditions were not clear. None of the passengers were injured or taken to a hospital. “The flight landed without incident, was checked by our fire department and cleared to taxi under its own power to the gate,” read a statement released by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority…..

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